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Christine Peters is a jeweler, designer, and fidgeter, who always has her hands busy. Lover of chocolate, books, animals, and Maine in the fall. Trained sculptor. Independent woman, daughter, sister, friend, and maker and doer of all things artsy.

Filtering by Tag: craft show

Summer Craft Shows Come and Gone

Christine Peters

It's July 27! Yes, summer is flying! I've been traveling all over, showing and selling my jewelry,  including a show I participated in in Chicago. Over the week leading in to the 4th, I drove all by myself out to Glencoe, IL, to exhibit and sell at the Chicago Botanic Gardens Art Festival. It was a great experience! Not only did I prove to myself I could do it, but my work was received so positively, I was somewhat overwhelmed. I also had the honor of receiving an outstanding achievement award for my botanical inspired work!

Chicago Botanic Garden Fine Craft Festival

The weather was spectacular and the gardens breathtaking. Lots of new botanic inspired designs are racing through my mind and hopefully coming out on the bench soon! Lots more to come!


Jewelry Craft Show Travel

Christine Peters

It's April 23...where has the time gone?! I know I say that every time I sit down to write, but really!! For the last 10 days, I've been on the road traveling for shows. I finished up my first show in Gaithersburg, MD and am staying with my sister in Massachusetts before I'm off to Hartford, CT for this weekend. I'm geared up and ready with lots of new jewelry.

I worked on a new booth set up for MD with added panels to match my tablecloths and lighten up the booth:


I love the way the panels brighten the booth and give it a whole new continuity of color. In CT I have a corner booth, so I've had to adjust the layout and I think it's going to be great. Here's what it looks like before the jewelry placement:


Looking forward to show opening Friday night. If you're near Hartford, CT, come on by the XL Center for the American Fine Craft Festival benefiting the Wadsworth Atheneum.

Welcome September!


September is here and again, where did the time go?! You might wonder how I can lose time, but if you know anything about living in Maine, you realize that nearly everything for the year happens in a short three month period. much has been going on in my personal life (which I will share at a later time). Thankfully creating my jewelry has kept me focused and happy.

Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival was last weekend and it was a great show. Thank you to all who came and made it a huge success! Here's a happy lady with a new cuff:

Next up, I'll be at the

44th Annual Peters Valley School of Craft Fine Craft Fair

, September 27 & 28 at the Sussex Country Fairgrounds in Augusta, New Jersey. Hope to see you there.

Summer is Flying!


I can't believe how quickly the time is flying. I've been busy with shows and am off to the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine this weekend for the first annual invitational craft show. I hope to see you there.

Sunday Sewing


I spent most of last weekend in my studio creating, but Sunday, I took the day off to go sewing with a good friend.  What could be better than spending a day drinking tea and chatting over biscotti?  It's hard to believe that it's the middle of November already!  And it's list making time.  Lists of who, what, where and when--prepping for holiday gifts and events, and trying to figure out what I can make for everyone on that list.   Photos of the sewing will come soon.

In the meantime, please join me Friday, November 22nd through Sunday, November 24th, for the ArtFull Gifts Show at Point Lookout in Northport, ME.  I'll be there with bells on! and lots of flowers, pearls, and reticulated jewelry!

Shows in November and December


I just participated in The Maine Crafts Guild show at the Maine State Museum.  It was a small show, but full of amazing artists.  Thank you to all who came, admired, and purchased!

Next up, The Gifted Hand show in Ellsworth:

And then after that, ArtFull Gifts show in Northport:

And perhaps most important, SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, December 1, for the third annual open studio trunk show, held at Mom's house in East Boothbay--10 am-4 pm. 
Hope to see you!