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Christine Peters is a jeweler, designer, and fidgeter, who always has her hands busy. Lover of chocolate, books, animals, and Maine in the fall. Trained sculptor. Independent woman, daughter, sister, friend, and maker and doer of all things artsy.

Jewelry Craft Show Travel

Christine Peters

It's April 23...where has the time gone?! I know I say that every time I sit down to write, but really!! For the last 10 days, I've been on the road traveling for shows. I finished up my first show in Gaithersburg, MD and am staying with my sister in Massachusetts before I'm off to Hartford, CT for this weekend. I'm geared up and ready with lots of new jewelry.

I worked on a new booth set up for MD with added panels to match my tablecloths and lighten up the booth:


I love the way the panels brighten the booth and give it a whole new continuity of color. In CT I have a corner booth, so I've had to adjust the layout and I think it's going to be great. Here's what it looks like before the jewelry placement:


Looking forward to show opening Friday night. If you're near Hartford, CT, come on by the XL Center for the American Fine Craft Festival benefiting the Wadsworth Atheneum.