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Christine Peters is a jeweler, designer, and fidgeter, who always has her hands busy. Lover of chocolate, books, animals, and Maine in the fall. Trained sculptor. Independent woman, daughter, sister, friend, and maker and doer of all things artsy.

Filtering by Tag: blue sapphire

Next Show: ArtFull Gifts at Point Lookout

Christine Peters

Here we are--the middle of November and my next show is here. I'm getting ready to head to Lincolnville to set up for the ArtFull Gifts Show tomorrow. This is my third year exhibiting at this venue. It'll be great to see familiar faces of clients and artists alike. I'll have a bunch of new work for sale including 4 new cuff bracelets. Hope you stop on by!


Reticulated silver cuff bracelet with 5 blue sapphires.