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Christine Peters is a jeweler, designer, and fidgeter, who always has her hands busy. Lover of chocolate, books, animals, and Maine in the fall. Trained sculptor. Independent woman, daughter, sister, friend, and maker and doer of all things artsy.

October Update

Christine Peters

I had the month of September to recover and heal from chemo and grasp the next phase of my journey. I was mapped (tattooed) for radiation and started treatment last Thursday. So far it is proving to be as suggested--a piece of cake compared to chemo! And I'm so thankful for that! I continue with this treatment every day, Monday through Friday for 5 1/2 weeks. And I only have to drive to Bath, much easier than driving to Portland everyday.

Have you ever wondered what it looks like to be in the radiation treatment room? Well, here it is!


I lay on my back with my arms above my head in supports. My feet are elastic banded together so I won't shift my position. They line my body up with the tattoos they've given me and then radiate my whole right breast quadrant--from center sternum to armpit to clavicle. Thankfully it's not a long process, about 10-15 minutes from start to finish. I can handle it! The people who work here are so kind, as everyone I've encountered during this adventure has been. 

My fatigue from chemo is slowly getting better. It still catches me off guard, but I manage. I rest when needed and give myself a break--this year has been all about healing. My taste is coming back, thank goodness. And while it's getting cold outside, I am still walking as much as possible. It's part of my sanity routine. As is working in the studio--my true joy. I've been able to create a little and enjoy every bit of it and know my daily routine will continue to get longer and stronger.

It's difficult for me to grasp that summer is over and we're into fall. While September proved to be a spectacular weather month, I can't help but feel the loss of time. I'm not ready for the cold weather, loss of light, and ultimately the winter. But I'm not going there now! Every day is a blessing and a gift and I am living each one as fully and alive as I can. I hope you are too!