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Christine Peters is a jeweler, designer, and fidgeter, who always has her hands busy. Lover of chocolate, books, animals, and Maine in the fall. Trained sculptor. Independent woman, daughter, sister, friend, and maker and doer of all things artsy.

Filtering by Category: April

Thank You!

Christine Peters

I've been wanting to write for so long and every time I go to do it, I get overwhelmed with so much I want to say and share. And instead, I write nothing! So I decided to write something to get started and where better to start then to say thank you!

Thank you to my clients and friends and family--some of you who fit into all those categories--for your continued support, encouragement, and enthusiasm. I appreciate each and every one of you! I thought I'd share a couple of photos.

A very cold selfie in Sunset on Deer Isle while visiting my dear friend and client Rosa.

A very cold selfie in Sunset on Deer Isle while visiting my dear friend and client Rosa.

This is the lovely hand of Cynthia who was a pleasure to create this ring for.

This is the lovely hand of Cynthia who was a pleasure to create this ring for.

The beautiful wrist of Gladys who fell in love with this cuff bracelet and celebrated her retirement with it.

The beautiful wrist of Gladys who fell in love with this cuff bracelet and celebrated her retirement with it.

My oldest and dearest friend Angela. We finally got to visit during a between show trip to Massachusetts.

My oldest and dearest friend Angela. We finally got to visit during a between show trip to Massachusetts.

There are so many more people to celebrate and I will continue to do random posts doing just that! Off to Hartford, CT today for my next show. Time to get moving!